EMCORE’s Inertial Measurement Units (IMU) feature our advanced Fiber Optic Gyro, Quartz MEMS, and the enhanced reliability and repeatability of our breakthrough Photonic integrated Chip (PIC) technology from the former KVH IMU product family. Proven aboard autonomous platforms worldwide, these non-ITAR IMUs bridge the gaps in satellite navigation with precision data, very high bandwidth, low latency, and low drift. EMCORE’s IMUs provide superior CSWaP (Cost, Size, Weight and Power) compared to competing systems and legacy designs for a wide variety of Aerospace & Defense, and Commercial navigation applications.
EMCORE’s closed-loop and open-loop FOG IMUs deliver high-precision, best-in-class performance compared to competing units and legacy designs. Combined with the strategic-grade FOG Inertial Reference Units (IRU) and IMUs of the former L3Harris Space & Navigation business, and our Systron Donner line of Quartz MEMS IMUs, EMCORE offers a full product suite serving a broad range of requirements from tactical to navigational, and strategic grade.