Page 1 - EMCORE-Satellite-and-Microwave-Communications-Brochure






Page 1 - EMCORE-Satellite-and-Microwave-Communications-Brochure
P. 1

Fiber Optic Transport Solutions for

        Satellite & Microwave Communications

        Government, AerospAce & Defense, commerciAl

        BAseBAnD, if, l, s, c, X, DBs, Ku, K, Ka, Q/v AnD UltrA-WiDeBAnD siGnAl trAnsport

        EMCORE is a pioneer of innovative RF over fiber solutions for satellite and microwave band
        communications. EMCORE’s products, featuring Genuine Ortel Technology, transport an
        ultra-broadband frequency range over high-performance fiber optic links. A wide range of
        high-dynamic-range Aerospace & Defense and Commercial applications are supported includ-
        ing antenna remoting and signal distribution, inter- and intra-facility links, electronic warfare,
        radar calibration, video over fiber, and much more. EMCORE’s complete line of satellite and
        microwave components, subassemblies and systems eliminate the distance limitations of
        copper-based coaxial systems.

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