Page 10 - EMCORE-Broadband-Fiber-Optics-Brochure
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Satellite & Microwave Fiber Optic Transport

Commercial, government, aerospace & Defense

Optiva Platform Satellite & Microwave                                                                         Optiva Platform Highlights
Fiber Optic Transport System
                                                                                                              n	 3 RU 19” 16-slot rack-mount enclosure
Platform Overview                                                                                                 -Holds up to 16 hot-swappable cards
EMCORE’s Optiva platform includes a wide range of SNMP
managed fiber optic transmitters, receivers, optical ampli-                                                   n	 1 RU 19” 6-slot and 1- or 2-slot compact
fiers, RF and optical switches and passive devices, video,                                                        enclosures available
audio, data and Ethernet products that provide high-per-
formance fiber optic transmission from 1 MHz to 40 GHz.                                                       n	 Dual-redundant hot-swappable power
These units can be used to construct transparent inter- and intra-facility links for short- and long-             supplies
haul RF and microwave signal transport, antenna remoting, electronic warfare systems and other
high-dynamic-range applications.                                                                              n	 Short- and long-haul signal transport
                                                                                                              n	 SNMP monitoring and control
                 Optiva is a completely modular, hot-swappable platform with a variety of rack-
                 mount and compact tabletop, or wall-mountable enclosure options. EMCORE’s                    Optiva Card Module Options
                 complete line of Optiva insert cards removes the distance limitations of copper-             n	 IF, L, S, C, X, DBS, Ku, K, Ka and
                 based coaxial systems at cost and performance levels suited for headends, satellite
                 earth stations, military operations centers, and much more.                                      Ultra-Wideband
                                                                                                              n	 1310 nm, 1550 nm, CWDM, DWDM
IF, L- and S-Band Fiber Optic Transport                                                                       n	 Redundancy switching units & RF splitters
                                                                                                              n	 RF & optical switches and passive devices
Optiva OTS-1L Series IF, L and S-Band Fiber Optic Links                                                       n	 Optical amplifiers (EDFA)
                                                                                                              n	 Ethernet 10/100/1000
                    The Optiva OTS-1L series is optimized to provide transparent IF, L- and S-Band signal
                    transport for a variety of satellite antenna and interfacility link applications. Series  IF, L- & S-Band Highlights
                    options include CWDM, DWDM and 1310/1550 nm models. The unique features of
                    the OTS-1L series include simple push button peaking for optimum performance and          n	 Dual or single density card options
                    our patented SmartGain Control, which ensures consistent performance over varied          n	 6 dBm (CWDM), 9 dBm (DWDM) output
                    signal level conditions.                                                                  n	 30 dB Tx/Rx adjustable gain range
                                                                                                              n	 Optically-isolated uncooled (CWDM),
Optiva OTS-1L2, 3 GHz Dual Wideband Fiber Optic Links
                                                                                                                  cooled (DWDM) DFB laser
The Optiva OTS-1L2 is a dual RF fiber optic link that accepts two RF inputs                                   n	 50 & 75 Ohm BNC or 50 Ohm SMA
and provides two RF outputs with a single plug-in pair. This dual-density card                                n	 Tx & Rx RF power monitors via LED,
increases the chassis capacity by a factor of two. OTS-1L2 tranmitters and
receivers are optimized to perform in the 50 MHz to 3 GHz frequency range                                         SMA & SNMP
providing transparent signal transportation for satellite antenna applications.                               n	 SNMP monitoring and control

C, X, DBS, Ku & Ka-Band Fiber Optic TransporT                                                                 Satcom Band Highlights
                                                                                                              n	 Low RIN source laser
Optiva OTS-2 Series Satcom Band Fiber Optic Links                                                             n	 Microprocessor-based transmitter con-

                                The OTS-2 Series Satcom Band Fiber Optic Links are a family of SNMP man-          trol for laser bias, modulator bias and
                                aged fiber optic transmitters and receivers that provide high-performance         link gain
                                downlink and uplink transport. C, X, DBS, Ku- and Ka-Band modules are         n	 DWDM cooled DFB laser, 10 dBm output
                                available. These modules utilize EMCORE’s high-performance ultra-low
                                Relative Intensity Noise (RIN) source laser with high optical input power     Applications
                                capable photodiodes, and feature microprocessor-based transmitter and         n	 Satellite antenna signal transport
                                receiver control for laser and modulator bias.                                n	 DBS antenna signal distribution
                                                                                                              n	 Interfacility signal transport
                                                                                                              n	 Ground terminal & intra-facility links
                                                                                                              n	 Site diversity systems
                                                                                                              n	 Electronic Warfare (EW) systems
                                                                                                              n	 Broadband delay line and signal

                                                                                                                  processing systems

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